I, am 38 years young!  Have been having Botox for about 5 years now at approximately 3 monthly intervals.

I have bruised only once and I have only suffered from a droopy eyelid once.  This only lasted for a day, so iv been pretty lucky really.

Did I really need it?

Well, in my opinion, yes I did! I remember seeing visible forehead lines from the age of about 16! Now obviously at 16, It was absolutely fine, I looked 16, so a few faint expression lines were not an issue.

As I hit 30 though, these permanently imprinted lines across the whole width of my head had started to make me feel self conscious and I felt I had started to age.  I also had, by this time, developed frown lines.  These were probably increased by the fact that I have never been good at remembering to wear sunglasses.  By the time i hit 33, These lines really did get me down.

I then discovered that a family member, very close to my age, had, had Botox.  What a brilliant idea!  I initially chose just to have my frown lines frozen. My husband had commented that my forehead lines were a family genetic trait and that they were me!  The problem was, I noticed them more once I had my frown lines fixed!

No! They simply had to go!  So I re-emerged, fresh-faced, brighter eyed and more confident.  I had discovered the power of Botox!

to be continued…

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