A Mothers love for her children is unconditional and completely overwhelming at times.

As a Mother, I know what it feels like every time your child smiles or laughs, no matter how old they are.

It makes no difference if (like my big brother has done) your child moves to the other side of the world. You will still feel the pain from every tear down the end of the phone line. Equally you sense ever feeling of their happiness, simply from the tone of their voice when they say “Hello”.

These senses and emotions are not something a mother has to learn, they are born in us, the moment our children take their first breath.

My children are almost 16 and 20, but they are still my babies and most of all, they are my best friends and I love them dearly.

Some of my friends & family have been blessed with their first babies this year and some are now parents to be. Β All of us, have wonderful Mother’s of our own. Our Mom’s are the rock in our families. Our Mom’s are always there to lend an ear, give advice or just to hold us when we crumble.

For those of us that have lost our Mom’s, they will never be forgotten and are always in our hearts.

So, to every single Mommy out there, here’s to us all…

Happy Mother’s day! X


  1. Senem

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  3. zehirablog

    Thank you for the like on my most recent FFOMC post. Your mothers day post has really touched me and reminded me that although I tackle the issue of parenthood in a light hearted manner that it really is (as I have always supposed) the most important job role anyone can ever take on.


    1. Hiroto

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